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ETC Annual Access Pass

We welcome the community to our public courts with a variety of Annual Access Pass plans for individuals and families. Our annual pass is a nonrefundable, once a year fee, that is required for those interested in participating in youth or adult programs, private lessons or league access.  An annual pass is NOT required to make a court reservation.

  • Advanced Pass-Family

    Family Pass for Programs and Court Benefits
    Valid for one year
    • League Access (All)
    • 7 Day Advanced Court Reservation (2 per week)
    • 2 Day Advanced Court Reservation (Unlimited)
    • Online Reservation Booking
    • Early 3 Day Registration Window
    • Access for Group, Private and Custom Lessons
    • The plan is for everyone in the same household
  • Advanced Pass-Single

    Program and Court Benefits For Individuals
    Valid for one year
    • League Access (All)
    • 7 Day Advanced Court Reservation (1/week)
    • 2 Day Advanced Court Reservation (Unlimited)
    • Online Reservation Access
    • Early 3 Day Registration Window For Classes
    • Access for Group, Private and Custom Lessons
  • Program Pass-Family

    Program Only Pass for Families
    Valid for one year
    • League Access (All)
    • Online 2 Day Advanced Court Reservation
    • Access for Group, Private and Custom Lessons
    • The plan is for everyone in the same household
  • Program Pass-Single

    Program Only Pass for Individual Players
    Valid for one year
    • League Access (All)
    • Online 2 Day Advanced Court Reservation
    • Access for Group, Private and Custom Lessons
  • No Pass - Public Access

    Limited Benefits
    Free Plan
    • Reservations Made by Phone
    • 2 Day Advanced Court Reservation
    • Not eligible for lessons, programs or online access
  • Do annual passes cover court fees?
    No. Our Annual Passes do not impact court rates or class rates. Many public facilities in our area have annual fees; some in the form of memberships or reservation cards.
  • Do I need to have an annual access pass to continue to book courts at ETC?
    No, you can still reserve courts up to two days in advance without a pass. There are annual pass options for 7-day Advanced Passholder reservations.
  • Do I need to have an annual access pass to participate in ETC Adult or Junior programming or private lessons?
    Yes. All programs will require an individual or family access pass. As seen in the table, there are program only options and access plans that include advance court reservations and early class registration priority.
  • My family receives financial assistance from TOPs, does my scholarship apply for these plans?"
  • Do I need an annual access plan to be on an ETC adult or junior team?
    Yes. An annual pass is required to participate in any of our programs (adult or youth).
  • How long is the annual pass good for?
    12 months from the date of purchase. No pausing plans for travel or other reasons.
  • If I purchase a pass, can I upgrade or downgrade it during the 12 months?"
    If I purchase an annual pass, can I upgrade or downgrade it during the 12 months? You can upgrade it and pay the difference (without changing your 12-month start date) You can’t downgrade it to a less expensive options. Passes are non-refundable and non-transferrable (including if you move out of area or become injured). At the optional renewal time, you can pick whichever pass fits you best at that time.
  • If I purchase a family plan, which allow multiple reservations at the same time, can I have more than one under my name or does it need to be a under a different family member’s name?"
    Family plans are flexible and can be under any person in the family’s name, including multiple under the same name. These cannot exceed the maximum limits (see chart) at a time.
  • Does the person who reserved the court need to be present at the time of play?
  • Can the reservation name be changed after the booking is made?
    No. The person who confirmed the court reservation should intend on playing and is responsible for the court cost. If there's a unique circumstance, such as an unforeseen injury, please call the front desk if you wish to change the name of who will be arriving.
  • I’m one of the many adult league captains at ETC, do I need to monitor who has an annual access pass?"
    As a captain you will need to let your team know that an access pass is required to be on the team. If ETC has a list of your team members, we’ll let you know any team members who still need to purchase the pass, and request you to follow up. League match courts are auto booked by ETC staff and don’t require an access plan. However, you may want to find out which teammates have 7 day reservation privileges so they may book practice or warm-up courts.

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10822 117th Pl NE

Kirkland, Washington 98033

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